Assessing Current Understandings of the Impacts of Large-scale Industrial Development in West Labrador and Isthmus Regions and Identification of Future Research Needs and Potential Mitigation Strategies

Both West Labrador and the Isthmus region in Newfoundland are experiencing the benefits and impacts associated with large-scale industrial projects. A previous project worked with communities in the Isthmus region to maximize benefits; at the same time this project also documented costs and impacts experienced by communities close to industry. This current project will provide a deeper analysis of the challenges experienced by communities as a result of industrial activity and strategies employed to reduce or offset those impacts.

The project involved four main outcomes, each of which contributed to the overall effectiveness and delivery of information found in relation to the issues. First, a media and local literature scan, identifying major issues being raised and/or discussed by people in both regions and potential solutions being offered or recommended was undertaken. Secondly, the researchers conducted an academic literature review and analysis, identifying case studies from other regions, successful and unsuccessful strategies which were adopted or attempted and author recommendations and  suggestions. The researchers also analyzed discussions which occurred at the Harris Centre Regional Workshop on February 10th, 2012 and the Combined Councils of Labrador meeting in late February. Finally, the researchers suggested areas for future research and individuals and/or organizations that could contribute to a future research agenda addressing impacts of large scale industrial projects in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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