Reuse of Waste Heat for Greenhouse Facilities

A Case Study of Local Innovation Project Applying Waste Heat from Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Limited for Greenhouse Operations.

About the Project

This project examines the potential for the use of waste heat from Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd. (CBPPL) for the operation of a greenhouse facility. Currently, wastewater effluent from CBPPL is released into the bay. Combined in a greenhouse facility, there is potential for the reuse of hot wastewater and carbon dioxide to considerably reduce the waste stream and effluent of CBPPL and related costs while delivering positive social and environmental impacts to Corner Brook and the wider western Newfoundland region. Taking into consideration the declining pulp and paper industry, which has critical importance to the region, food security concerns in the region, and environmental impacts of hot water discharge from industrial operations into the bay, the project intends to use an innovative approach to tackle with these issues. Overall, the proposed project aims to investigate the feasibility of a case study being designed to use waste heat, carbon dioxide, and additional energy from CBPPL to operate a commercial greenhouse in the city Corner Brook to provide the community (and surrounding region) with locally produced crops. The proposed activities of the research (interviews, technical and financial analysis of the project) relate to determining feasibility, parameters, and processes related to improved utilization of waste heat and carbon dioxide from CBPPL operations. The project is being established through the cooperation of CBPPL, MITACS, and Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland and is currently in the development phase.

Reserach Team

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