Congratulations Dr. Hudson!

Rural resilience affiliated PhD candidate Amy Hudson successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled “Reclaiming Inuit Governance: Planning for a Sustainable Future in NunatuKavut” on Friday, October 9th in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Amy’s PhD research has been published, together with Kelly Vodden, in the journal Sustainability (Decolonizing Pathways to Sustainability: Lessons learned from Three Inuit Communities in NunatuKavut, Canada). Dissertation manuscripts are also forthcoming in a volume entitled The Inuit World, part of the Routledge Worlds Series and in the forthcoming ISER volume Voices of Inuit Leadership and Self-Determination in Canada edited by David Lough (Hudson and Bull, Reclaiming Inuit Knowledge in Pursuit of Self-Governance: Regulating Research through Relationships). Many thanks to the School of Graduate Studies and examiners Dr. Jeff Corntassel, Dr. Julia Christensen, and Dr. Dimitrios Panagos for their insights and involvement, and congratulations Dr. Hudson!