New Research Articles on Coastal and Marine Management

Dr. Sondra Eger has recently published two articles focused on integrated coastal and marine management. Dr. Eger is an interdisciplinary social and natural scientist interested in the social dimensions of coastal and marine complex social-ecological problems. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Memorial University working on two rural resilience-affiliated projects: Potable Water Dispensing Unit Project and Coastal Routes Radio Podcast (listen to Episode 1 and Episode 2).
The first article, “Revisiting Integrated Coastal and Marine Management in Canada: Opportunities in the Bay of Fundy.” was published in Frontiers in Marine Science and focuses on the renewed commitment to integrated coastal and marine management (ICM) by critically examine future opportunities for operationalizing ICM and identify core insights using a governance lens.
The second article “Integrated Coastal and Marine Management: Insights from Lived Experiences in the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic Canada” was published in Ocean & Coastal Management. It examines ‘the governance gap’ regarding the operationalization of integrated coastal and marine management (ICM).
Click the links to read the full article!