Asset Mapping for Humber-Northern Peninsula-Southern Labrador Region
The primary purpose of this study was to consolidate and build upon existing information related to the assets, capacities and business opportunities in the Humber-Northern Peninsula-Southern Labrador (HNPSL) Region of Newfoundland and Labrador. The study was launched based on the identified potential for development opportunities in the region related directly or peripherally to culture, building on the successes to date of the Gros Morne Cultural Blueprint. The Blueprint seeks to build upon the recognized cultural and creative base of Gros Morne area to stimulate a vibrant cultural industry and provide economic benefits, sustainable development, and increased sense of community and belonging. The local capacity to undertake development activities is dependent on a number of natural, economic and infrastructural resources; the skills, talents and experiences of local residents; and a degree of community cohesion. Seeking a better understanding of local capacity is seen as a critical step in expanding on the success of the Blueprint.
The study adopted an asset mapping approach. The technique of asset mapping, made popular by the seminal work of Kretzmann and McKnight in the early 1990s, aims to accentuate an area’s positive assets and thereby direct resources and development efforts in a way that builds and capitalizes on these assets. Unlike other capacity building initiatives, asset mapping focuses on identifying and documenting the positive assets/resources instead of the needs or inherent problems of an area or community. The study first developed a framework for charting the unique social-cultural, economic, natural, built, human and political-institutional features of the Region. Through the undertaking of a preliminary scan of regional assets and capacity, the study also aimed to identify gaps in existing information and make recommendations pertaining to future steps and the designing of a more in-depth future assessment. To better understand the local capacities of the HNPSL Region, the study articulated community/regional assets that are, or could be utilized by local residents and organizations to draw on unique resources for development purposes.
Parks Canada Cindy Gibbons (left) ,Jacqueline Walsh (middle), Kyle White (right) at the Red Bay National Historic Site of Canada.
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Research Team
Regional Asset Mapping Initiative, Humber-Northern Peninsula-Southern Labrador Region (2014). Parill, White, Vodden, Walsh, and Wood.
Regional Asset Mapping Initiative. Report Appendices (2014). Parill, White, Vodden, Walsh, and Wood.