Research Published By Rural Resilience Researchers
Posted on 15 Jun in Knowledge Mobilization News
Over the past few months, three new edited volumes have been published which features research from the Rural Resilience team. Scaling Up the Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability, co-edited by Gismondi, Connelly, Beckie, Markey, and Roseland was published in February 2016, and features a chapter with Vodden as the lead author. In addition, Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps, co-edited by Hallström, Beckie, Hvenegaard, and Mündel also features a chapter with Vodden as an author. Lastly, Doing Community-Based Research: Perspectives from the Field, co-edited by Halseth, Markey, Ryser, and Mansen, also a contribution by Vodden. Consider viewing one of these volumes today!