Elmaddin Bayramov

MAEP Candidate, Environmental Policy Institute
Grenfell Campus, Memorial University
Elmaddin Bayramov is a Master’s student at the Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland. He completed his undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering in Baku Engineering University, Azerbaijan, where he worked on the optimization of industrial facilities. His graduate thesis concentrates on the role of government agencies (and their policies) as one of the key actors within the regional innovation system in western Newfoundland. The study investigates the cooperation of government, along with industry, university, and the community in NL to drive innovations. In particular, the research investigates a case study example of a project being designed to use waste heat and additional energy from Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Limited (CBPPL) to operate a commercial greenhouse in the city Corner Brook to provide the community (and surrounding region) with locally produced crops. This case study research is part of and contributes to this innovation initiative and is, therefore, an action research project.