Raïsa Mirza

Associate Director, Community Innovation Fund & Consulting Director, Learning Center, Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement
Founder & Principal, WabiSabiJetty: Design for Resilience

Studied in Master of Arts in Geography, Memorial University

Raïsa Mirza previously studied for her Master’s in Geography in the Department of Geography at Memorial University. In 2012, she spent 6 months undergoing an internship with Conservation International-Philippines in the Socioeconomic and Policy Unit, working with conservation practitioners on incorporating socioeconomic monitoring indicators in long-term conservation monitoring strategies. She completed her MA thesis which looked at how networks in the Verde Island Passage, Philippines contributed to conservation and development outcomes in the region. She had previous work experience in Bangladesh, India and Rwanda where she worked with local communities to enhance existing food security programs’ resilience due to climate change. Her other research interests include community/youth engagement, innovation diffusion, social network theory, community economic development, service learning for development and coastal community development. Raïsa is an avid nature photographer and SCUBA diver.

Research Engagement