Special Issue Edited By Rural Resilience Researchers Published

In July 2016, a special issue titled “Long Distance Commuting in the Mining, Oil and Gas Sectors: Implications for Rural Regions” co-edited by Drs. Kelly Vodden and Heather Hall was published in The Extractive Resources Industry and Society. The papers in the special section draw largely from the Canadian context but also from international examples and comparative analysis to further illuminate the challenges and opportunities such work arrangements present for rural communities, residents and organizations. This introductory paper provides a brief overview of the growing trend of ‘mobility’ including LDC, which can occur along a spectrum from commuting that includes long absences from home to extended daily commutes. This mobility has become particularly important for the extractive industries, and specifically the mining and oil and gas sectors. This paper also discusses the implications of LDC for source and host communities and the role of policy and planning in mitigating these impacts. To see Vodden’s and Hall’s paper, click here.