Researchers Share Key Findings from National Report on Climate Change

Researchers share key findings from the Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report in this new video!

What do changes in climate mean for those living in Canada? How can we adapt to increase resilience, reduce risks and costs, and take advantage of potential opportunities? Where have we made progress on addressing climate change impacts and adaptation? Where do gaps in knowledge and action remain? The Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report provides answers to these questions and more. The report provides a national perspective on how climate change is impacting our communities, environment and economy, and how we are adapting. Led by Natural Resources Canada, this report was released in June 2021.

Explore the report:

Key findings of the National Issues Report

  1. Communities of all sizes across the country are experiencing the impacts of climate change on their infrastructure, health and well-being, cultures and economies. Local action to reduce climate-related risks is increasing, although limited capacity is challenging the ability of many communities to act (see Cities and Towns chapter; Rural and Remote Communities chapter).
  2. Changes in climate are threatening the vital services that Canada’s ecosystems provide and are negatively impacting our water resources. Effective coordination, cooperation and adaptive management, as well as conservation efforts, can help to reduce impacts. Nature-based approaches to adaptation that maintain or restore ecosystems, such as wetlands, are a cost-effective and sustainable means of moderating climate change impacts and building resilience (see Ecosystem Services chapter; Water Resources chapter; Cities and Towns chapter).
  3. While climate change will bring some potential benefits, overall it will impose increasing economic costs on Canada. A changing climate affects all sectors of Canada’s economy through impacts on production, operations and/or disruption to supply chains. Disclosure of climate-related risks is emerging as a key driver of adaptation in the private sector (see Sector Impacts and Adaptation chapter; Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation chapter; Climate Disclosure, Litigation and Finance chapter).
  4. We must look beyond our borders when assessing the impacts of a changing climate for Canada. Climate change impacts occurring elsewhere in the world, as well as the steps that other countries take—or do not take—to adapt, can strongly affect food availability, trade and immigration. These impacts place additional stress on Canada’s communities, businesses and government services (see International Dimensions chapter).
  5. Large gaps remain in our preparedness for climate change, as demonstrated by recent impacts of extreme weather events, such as floods and wildfires. Accelerating progress on adaptation through rapid and deliberate plans and actions is vital for Canada’s economic and social well-being (all chapters).
  6. Lessons on good practices are continuing to emerge and are helping to guide successful adaptation. These include empowering strong leadership, collaborating broadly and adopting flexible management approaches. Incorporating diverse perspectives and sources of knowledge, such as Indigenous Knowledge Systems, is also imperative for effective adaptation (all chapters).

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