Busy Conference Season for Rural Resilience Researchers

Rural Resilience Researchers have had a busy conference season! On March 11, 2016, Barrett presented ‘Commuting is a way of life for many’: Mobile Workers and Newfoundland’s Nickel Processing Sector at Memorial University’s Bluebox Seminar Series. Following this, from April 3-6, 2016, he attended the Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference in Graz, Austria, where he presented Regional Sustainability in a Mobile World: Reflections from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Both presentations were well received and received positive feedback.
From May 30 to June 4, many Rural Resilience researchers, including Barrett, Butters, Eledi, Lowery, Minnes, and Vodden, co-organized sessions and presented at the 2016 Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. All sessions were well attended and generated discussion about future research. These presentations can be found on the resources page.
After the CAG, Vodden presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society’s conference on June 7, 2016 in St. John’s, where she discussed findings from the multi-year SSHRC funded Canadian Regional Development project. In addition, Barrett will be presenting at the International Rural Sociology Congress in Toronto, Ontario, from August 10-14, 2016, where he will be discussing findings from a manuscript he, Vodden, and Reimer have been working on for the past year.
Congratulations to all presenters on a job well done!